なかでも、夕焼けの美しい日は、ぜひとも午後4時頃に瓢湖を訪れたい。 夕日に染まって、真っ赤に見える白鳥たちの舞い降りる姿を見ることができる。
Niigata Prefecture Hyoko swan feathers more than 4,000 have been flying from Siberia and in October of each year. But also popular tours swan at 6:30 early morning, touching the figure of a swan who came back from paddy fields and rivers before nightfall. Above all, the sunset is a beautiful day, I want to visit all means Hyoko around 4:00 pm. I can be dyed to sunset, the sight of our swan that looks bright red alight. (Google翻訳を使用しました)
